Field Trip Reminders:
Our field trip is this Thursday, October 20th. We will load the buses at 8:10. Please make sure your child is at school on time.
The cost per child is $6 cash. Please turn this into your child’s teacher by Wednesday, October 19th.
If you did not sign up for a cafeteria lunch, please make sure your child has a sack lunch and drink with their name on it.
Parent’s are allowed to come to the Oil Museum and walk with their child only while they tour the museum with their homeroom.
If you plan on coming, you MUST come to the office and sign in through our RAPTOR system and get a visitor tag before going to the Oil Museum. At the Oil Museum you will be required to pay $6 for your admission.
Student’s will be allowed to be checked out with their homeroom teacher after lunch at the park.