January 10-14

Upcoming Important Dates:

  • Monday, January 17th Student Holiday -MLK Day
  • Wednesday, January 26th Early Release 11:30

Math Learning Goals:  Multi-Step Problem Solving/Area and Perimeter

4.4D- Use strategies and algorithms to multiply (S)

4.4F- Use strategies and algorithms, including the standard algorithm, to divide up to a 4-digit dividend by a 1-digit divisor (S)

4.4H- Solve with fluency 1- & 2-step problems involving multiplication and division including interpreting remainders. (R)

4.5C- Use models to determine the formulas for the perimeter of a rectangle (l + w + l + w or 2l + 2w), including the special form for perimeter of a square (4s) and the area of a rectangle (l x w)

4.5D- Solve problems related to perimeter and area of rectangles where dimensions are whole numbers (R)

Math Homework:

Math homework was sent home on Friday, January 7th and will be due the following Thursday, January 13th.

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