Please make sure you see the newest Valentine’s Day party letter that is going home today. It has important changes that you will need to be aware of. Below is a copy in case your child loses it.
Valentine’s Day plans have changed! We will now have parties beginning at 1:30 PM and ending at 2:20 PM. Doors will open to parents at 1:30 PM
- Parents may donate food for the parties but everything needs to be prepackaged and sealed. No homemade goods, etc.
- Parents wanting to attend the parties will park in the upper lot behind the MS (across the street from our campus sign by the pecan tree) to avoid jamming up our parking lot used for afternoon pick up.
- Parents will be allowed to leave with their child at the end of the party
Don’t forget to have your Valentine Box at school by Friday, February 11!
Please fill out the bottom portion of this form and return it with your child by Tuesday, February 8, so that we may plan accordingly.
____ I would like to help and will be there.
____ I am not able to attend but would like to send something.
Student name: _________________________________________
Parent Name: _________________________________________
Best way to contact if helping in some way: ____________________
Thank you!!
4th Grade Teachers